Creature Double Feature
Such Creatures
Friday 6:00- 7:30
Tickets Here
Creature Double Feature
Creature Double Feature brings you not one, but TWO new works by Such Creatures Co-Directors Luke Greeff & Ashaand Simone.
Missile Kid
by Luke Greeff
A punk-rock apocalyptic horror movement suite on unmasking the Autistic soul within the confines of an Allistic world…
… or a dancey existential crisis to good tunes… you decide.
The year is 2033. The players wake to find themselves trapped in the dystopian space of a long-ended party that they can never leave. While everyone else is clearly long gone, the players are still stuck here, having become one with the decaying decor after almost a decade of blending into their surroundings as a means of survival. Their only contact with the outside world is via an old radio that only plays one station. Now that the party is over, and those left behind have become aware of their situation, they are now tasked with separating themselves from the decay around them, seeking community, and taking control of their roles in a seemingly unhinged world.
intimate youniverse
by Ashaand Simone
“intimate youniverse” transports the audience into an 8-bit arcade world where they’re in charge of helping the protagonist’s disparate parts work towards some amount of peace. In doing so, they will learn firsthand what it looks like to re-wire the brain away from the impacts of (Complex) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and towards acceptance of intimacy and connection.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) programs the brain into a constant state of freeze-flight-fight, leaving individuals unable to be fully present with other people or themselves. intimate youniverse walks the audience through the process of slowly reconnecting with the different parts of the self, engaging with the pain that’s been hidden away, and learning how to hold themselves with care and understanding.
Company Info:
Formed in 2020, Such Creatures supports the collective investigations of Ashaand Simone and Luke Greeff, two Trans & Gender Non-conforming movement artists invested in the exploration of inherent energetic systems, expanding the narrative surrounding queer and neurodivergent movement in the process. Such Creatures engages in deep mind-body investigations in the interest of finding various extensions of the self, presented to audiences in multidisciplinary experiences with a commitment to both mental and physical accessibility and safety. The work of Such Creatures can be defined by the phrase: “Trans Audacity.” Past works by Such Creatures include Aequipondium (2020 - 2021) and Bo(ix)y(e) Division (2022). Such Creatures is proud to be a TGNC-led, majority Queer, and intersectional company of artists and collaborators.
Cast Credits:
Co-Created by Luke Greeff & Ashaand Simone
Missile Kid
Lead Choreographer: Luke Greeff
In Collaboration with: Kai Chin, Shosh Levy, Colin Scott Kristiansen, Ashaand Simone, Dare Wedgeworth
Lead Movement Collaborator: Ashaand Simone
Lead Rope Collaborators: Kai Chin, Shoshana Levy
intimate universe
Lead Choreographer: Ashaand Simone
In Collaboration with: Luke Greeff, Amethyst Rose, Ibrahim Sabbi
Lead Collaborator: Luke Greeff
Costume Design: Ashaand Simone in collaboration with the artists
Sound Design: Ashaand Simone
Voiceover Artist: Timothy Atkinson
Animations: Alex Martinez